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How important is a long oil-change interval for new tractors?

A survey on the maintenance of agricultural machinery

An oil change for tractors means time expenditure and costs every time it has to be done. This is why the manufacturers of agricultural machinery attach great importance to efficient engines. But how much does a long oil-change interval for new tractors really matter to farmers? »agrarheute«, a German agricultural magazine, conducted a survey regarding this question. 


Oil-change interval for new tractors – 500 operating hours are OK

As the open survey showed as of March 2021 of, 61% of the farmers find it OK to change the oil after 500 operating hours, while 7% think that an engine should run for at least 600 hours before an oil change becomes necessary. Before buying a new tractor, 12% of those questioned have a very close look at the oil-change interval and say that longer intervals are a good reason to buy a specific tractor. But for 20% it does not matter whether the oil change becomes necessary after 500, after 600 or after even more operating hours.


An important aspect: premium-quality oil-service valves

Each engine running in agricultural machinery should be equipped with premium-quality oil-service valves irrespective of the change interval. Unlike road vehicles, agricultural machines are exposed to much harsher conditions which are very demanding of the entire design.  As specialists in the industry, our engineers have developed oil-service valves that are optimally adapted to agricultural machinery in terms of function and stability. The Skarke specialty: On demand, we offer customised valves that are precisely tailored to your needs.  


Contact us for personal advice or have a look at our product database for oil-service valves, oil-level gauges and more.