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Sauberer, bequemer Ölservice in der Landwirtschaft

Ölablassventile & Ölablassschrauben für Traktoren

Quite a few farmers or agricultural enterprises do not take their tractors to a garage for oil service but change the oil of their tractors themselves or have it changed by their own mechanics – this saves time and money. It goes without saying that a technical possibility allowing a clean and convenient oil change is a prerequisite for this job. This is why the equipment with premium-quality, reliable oil drain valves and oil drain plugs can be one of the decisive factors in a farmer’s decision to buy a specific new tractor.


Innovative tractors with proven technology for oil service

No matter how innovative the design of a tractor is, how many electronic components interact or what part modern software applications play in their operation and network: The regular change of oil ensures both the efficiency and the long useful life of the tractor engines. Some time ago, we already referred to a survey conducted by »agrarheute«, a German agricultural magazine, regarding oil change intervals. According to this survey, the majority of the farmers questioned (61%) were satisfied with an oil change after every 500 operating hours. To ensure that farmers continue to be satisfied with the oil service itself, the valves and drain plugs installed are of great importance. 


Skarke oil drain valves & oil drain plugs for tractors

Word of good quality gets around quickly – this is not only true for tractors in agriculture but for all areas. In the digital age, it has become even easier to obtain the experience made by other farmers before a new tractor is purchased. A look at the relevant internet forums then quickly reveals the questions farmers usually ask and the issue of oil drain and/or oil change in agricultural machinery is addressed time and time again. Tractors equipped with oil drain plugs and oil drain valves made by Skarke regularly cut a fine figure and convince users thanks to their high quality and reliable function in all oil service applications. As an experienced partner and supplier of this industry, we will be very pleased to be also at your disposal regarding the production of your tractors and agricultural machinery.

Contact us for oil drain plugs, oil drain valves, oil dipsticks, oil-level gauges, air-vent valves as well as air-vent filters for almost any common applications. We look forward to receiving your enquiry.