Landschaft mit Fluss
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Unterschiedliche Ventile

Skarke wishes you a relaxing holiday season …

… and a happy New Year!

Dear customers, partners and prospects – we thank you for the trust you placed in us and the good collaboration in 2022. In turbulent times, social solidarity is particularly important, which is why we are donating to various organisations instead of giving Christmas presents. Our financial support goes to:


  • Behindertenhilfe Bergstraße gGmbH [Help for the handicapped],
  • Ärzte ohne Grenzen e.V. [Médecins Sans Frontières],
  • Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung [German Children’s Cancer Foundation], and
  • Aktionsgruppe Kinder in Not e.V. [Help for children in need], Wirtgen Campus.


We do hope that with these donations we can at least make a small contribution to a positive look into the future. With this in mind, we wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a good start into the New Year.


Your Skarke Team