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Biodiversity and sustainability at Skarke

Employee square with 220 indigenous wild plants & the company’s own solar power

In times of change and growing awareness in terms of environmental protection and sustainability, it is great to see how companies recognise their responsibility towards nature and take according action. Skarke as well wants to set a good example. In the same manner as our parent company, the renowned SPIR STAR® Group, we are currently on the move in order to integrate the subjects of biodiversity and sustainability even more closely into our business model.


New employee square with 200 indigenous plants

As part of our sustainable development, we have created a new employee square which is aimed at promoting the biodiversity and the well-being of our indigenous plants and insects. On this new area, 220 indigenous wild plants have already been planted, which actively contribute to the creation of a blossoming habitat for a variety of species. With this commitment to biodiversity, we underline our endeavour to achieve positive changes for the environment. In addition, park benches are being planned which will integrate seamlessly into this peaceful space and offer our employees a pleasant atmosphere so they can relax in the middle of this natural environment and get some fresh energy.


Power from our own photovoltaic system

We have also installed a photovoltaic system in order to generate renewable energy and reduce our CO2 footprint. The next step will be the connection of this system to the power grid in order to effectively use the green energy. This investment into renewable energies is another step towards a sustainable future and resource conservation.