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ISO 9001:2015 certification renewed

Skarke renews its quality management certificate

Recently, we have successfully renewed the certification for quality management to ISO 9001:2015. Being a significant award, the ISO certification once again underlines Skarke’s commitment to highest quality standards and the continuous improvement of our business processes.


Skarke’s quality management team keeps working on meeting the stringent requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard as regards all of the company’s processes and procedures. This standard determines the internationally accepted requirements for quality management systems and emphasises the importance of continuous improvement and customer orientation. The certification was awarded after an extensive audit conducted by independent experts and confirms that Skarke keeps meeting the highest quality standards in all aspects of the company’s business operations. It comes as no surprise that we are proud of keeping up the ISO certification for quality management in the future as well.


The official certification document was issued by DQS GmbH, a certification company, and is valid since 07 November 2023. You can find the document both at our headquarters in Rimbach-Mitlechtern and here as a digital version.


Download Certifikate



Visit our website for further information about Skarke and our quality management or get in touch with us for personal advice.